Student sexually assaulted: her story

There is only so much you can express how you feel to those around you. To be quite frank, I don’t think I can ever tell anyone exactly how I feel now. Every so often I feel like I’ll be fine, but then the reality hits me that I’ll never forget what happened to me. […]

Fair representation in Union Council

By Harry Wells Following James Farndon’s Democracy Reform Proposal last year, our beloved and revered Union Parliament became Union Council. This will bring many changes with it. One prominent difference will be the gender balance of Council’s membership. In practice, this means that 50% of Council seats will be reserved for self-defined women. Last year, roughly […]

Get the Student Lowdown on ASOS with 10% off for Students

This week, many students will be eagerly preparing to return to Leicester for their first semester back at university. However for many it will mean saying goodbye to a full fridge of food and hello to weeks of super noodles, shots, and plenty of scrimping. But being a student isn’t all financial doom and gloom. […]